Poole Ancestry Research Team exists to Push the Family Forward by Looking Back to Our Past to Remind Each Other of What Worked for Us Collectively.  It also was created to build upon the Foundation that Bethel Poole of Akron, Oh has established in his dedication to Recording Our Story & Sustaining Family Networks throughout the Country.

Recent Finds:

Details Coming Soon…

  • Matriarchal DNA Results from Bethel Poole.
  • Document 1,000 Poole Bloodline Members by finding Links between other Established A-A Poole Families.
  • Project About The History of Poole Businesses, Skill Sets, & Entrepreneurial Methods & Strategy.
  • Project Showcasing Family Recipes
  • Investigate the History  of Freemasonry in the Life of George Pool & Possible Descendants.
  • Investigate the Unique Theological Perspectives of Reverend Bethel Poole & Fellow Clergy.
  • Investigate the Life of Nathaniel Poole โ€“ Ups & Downs, Cycles, Business Savvy, Legends & Controversy.
  • Find George Pooleโ€™s Mother & Determine the Identity of Leona Crowder.
  • Document & Register Tabernacle Cemetery Online.
  • Develop & Plan Poole Youth Camp for Off Year of Reunion.
  • Establish Youth Rites of Passage & Council of Elders.
  • Substantiate Indigenous DNA Claims & Register with Respective First Nations Tribe.
  • Document List of Steens, MS Land & Other Real Estate for Sale to be Purchased by Family Centered Investment Groups.

Census Records

The earliest records we have of George & Jane Poole as a Family are in Milport, Sanford, Alabama in 1870 Census.

1880 – George Poole Purchases 120 Acres Less Than 15 Years After the End of “Chattel” Slavery.

The Next Census Record in 1880, They are Recorded Residing in Lowndes Co., Mississippi.
(Highlighted in Yellow)

1900 Census they are Found in Lebanon, Lowndes Co. MS.
(Highlighted in Yellow)

1910 Census they are Found in Steens, Lowndes Co. MS. At This Time, George Poole Has Transitioned, & Some of Family has started to Migrate off Original Homestead.
(Family of Bethel Poole Highlighted in Yellow)






Speculated Parents of George Poole
Seth P. Pool

After many years of research we’ve concluded that is it impossible for Seth Poole to have been the Father of George Poole or any of his other Siblings. Namely he was born the same Birth Year of George. Conclusively we had to dismiss this long held claim. In the pursuit of that knowledge, we’ve learned that he was a pretty important individual in his lifetime in the Lowndes Co.  and surrounding counties of that Mississippi Region. Below is a bit of details on his life.

How we were able to decipher between this Seth Petty Poole and thousands of other ones with slight derivation from that spelling, listed throughout the country was a challenge. We got lucky after scouring Slave Narratives of the Area and were led to a Narrative by Henry Gibbs. It mentioned the name Seth Pool in West Point, & also Mentioned a Primitive Baptist Church. Inevitably this would be the document that helped us make a link between Seth Poole and W.W. Pool who family is seen with on 1870 Census in Milport, AL. They went to the Same Church and possibly formd a business relationship there. No biological relation or link found by the way. Just good ole Race & Religion…”sarcasm added”

Part of the Confusion surrounding whether or not he “Seth P. Pool was the slavemaster of George Poole & Jane, is because of the first document we find George & Jane on in 1865. This document isn’t a Slave Schedule, it actually is a Indenture Contract that shows that George & His Family worked as a Paid Laborer for Seth Poole, which had to be renegotiated or re-signed annually. Also the date is 1865 after the Emancipation Proclamation & Surrender of the South in the Civil War. Not to say that People weren’t continued to be held in Chattel Slave like conditions following this date, but clearly this document shows at that time they were on record as free & contracted employees of Seth.

Document Here:

But we needed to find out where they were being worked at. At this time we still didn’t have ultimate proof we had fully connected the dots. After scouring the internet we found a place where George & Seth Poole shared a common location. Below we can show in West Point, Clay county where Seth P Pool lived & owned land, a Place where many planters from the area rented land to make extra Profits during the grow season. This Place was called Waverly Plantation. Below you can see where Seth is rented land & later on the same plantation George Pool starts to rent and generates a considerable amount of money for his family.

This Same Year George Was Able to Take his Profit from Sharecropping this land to Purchase 120 Acres of his own land in Lowndes Co. Steens, Ms.

Leonna Crowder

W.W. Pool

His Last Will & Testament & Probate Records
His Family & Ancestry

Current Documentation on Jane ‘Parkieka’ Poole’s Speculated Ancestry

George Poole & Familyโ€™s Business Sense:

More Family Research

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